And those of you who may or may not have been reading previous blogs, from last time she was here, will be desperate to know about the sock situation. Did she or did she not (for example) transport me here 'dans une chausette'? Not as fancy as it sounds unless you have a thing for socks. Yes, yes and yes. She did. This time it was one of her old terra cotta coloured items, with a hole in the toe. Having colour made me feel upgraded... but the hole kept me in my place. Seemed like every x-ray machine we went through between Melbourne airport and Provincetown I put the wind up the security person. I'd get into the machine and the belt would stop, then reverse a little, forwards a bit, back again... and finally I'd be sent through to the otherside. I'm not sure exactly what it was about me that gets them worried. But I figure it was either me or the house keys and my guess is that they see house keys in handbags all the time.
Anway... back to Provincetown. She arrived on Thanksgiving morning and was picked up by Jim, who took us back to his place for coffee and bagel. And thus began the eating. Home to our apartment for a nap, then back to Jim's house for the proper Thanksgiving. Turkey with sausage stuffing, yams, asparagus, turnip, potato, carrots and cranberry relish made from cranberries picked in one of the cranberry bogs down on Seashore Park Road. Apparently the bogs are knee-deep in mush at the moment - it's been a wet autumn. Hopefully it will dry out a bit and she can go and do a bit of cranberry picking - keeps her out of my hair long enough that I can upload a blog. She's here to write which means she hogs the laptop a bit and uploading updates may have to be carefully scheduled. You should hear her go on about it. "I've got a novel to finish." Whatever.
Meanwhile, she took a walk this morning, down Commercial Street, which is where the action here is. Today was what's known in the USA as 'black Friday' -- the day that will ensure any business is in the black!! I thought it might have something to do with bushfires or stock market crashes but that's just me being negative. Town was full of post-Thanksgiving shoppers, but we do not have a Walmart or Target or any department stores here so the really serious shoppers were absent :-) Being a small town, it's easy to run into people in town and she managed to do that, lots of hugs and smiles all around. The big find of today was a coffee shop that was not yet open last time she was here. Wired Puppy, on Commercial Street just down the road from our apartment. It sells coffee from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm every day. The coffee is good (espresso machine, not drip filter) and it is also a free wireless spot. Oh happy day. That means she now gets to take the laptop down there and write emails and stuff. Another scheduling glitch. Do I sound grumpy?
And that's it from me, for now. I'll update again when she gives me a chance to have a turn the keyboard.
Now, here are a couple more pictures.
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