See that? That's me on my side, in the garden, neglected. That's a shot she took yesterday. Today I'm resting on top of a pile of stuff (there's no other word for it) in the big red thing she fills up, zips and takes on trips to Provincetown with her.
I gather we're going again. It's been a while so it's probably time. Oh Joy. 14 hours in a sock to Los Angeles. And then a flight to the East Coast. This time it's Boston. What's that... let me think... another 6 hours. In a sock.
At least the quadruped will be at home and is not coming with us. The quadruped has a name: 'Mikki'. It is completely crazy. I have never seen anything in all my years that ran around and around in completely pointless circles like the quadruped does. Here's a picture of her mauling me. I'm not doing this for sympathy, but I think you ought to know. People invite these things into their homes and the next thing they know, the garden gnomes are being mauled.

You be the judge. I'm ceramic, and have been set in this weird leg-cocked position that doesn't allow me to stand up straight for any length of time... so how is it right to sool something like the quadruped onto me. In the shot she took here, you can see me begging for mercy and the quadruped with its paw raised ready to strike. The agression in the picture speaks for itself. And the quadruped is bigger now. About ten times bigger. So... if you're wondering whether I mind getting in the sock, I say yes. I will always mind that. But when she puts me in there as part of the final preparation for a trip to Provincetown, I'll just have to breathe an enormous sigh of relief. Good bye, quadruped. I'm gonna miss you... NOT!!!
Dear Noam
We haven't spoken before, or met. I'm a friend of Miriams. I feel compelled to tell you, "You are one grumpy chunk of ceramic matter". How privileged are you getting the chance to travel, albeit in a sock? As for Mikki, henceforth Mikki is your family and deserves a little leeway for the energy of youth and you could well be inspired through his natural glee in the world. Let's face it Mikki doesn't look like he could 'sool' anyone, that's really a word for a rough looking, teeth nashing beast of another species.
So enjoy your trip with fine and intelligent company and look out for each other as you embark on another wonderful red-lined adventure. Cheers for now, from Miriam's friend Barb
Well, first 'Miriam's friend Barb', it's a she. The quadruped that is. And you obviously don't spend lots of time with the little beast, or her owner. Or in a sock. Yeah, I've got a chip on my shoulder, but that's only natural for piece of noam china.
But you seem quite nice. Travel much? Want a friend? Would I look nice in your garden?
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