Saturday, December 03, 2005


Lots of photos in this posting. She got busy with the camera -- as did I, although I didn't do a terribly good job as you can see if you scroll down a bit.

Walking to the Beech Forest she decided to go the long way and cut through the graveyard.

Some of the headstones are heart-wrenching. So many small children died in the late 1800s. No explanations, just these sad little date ranges of 2 years, 4 years... So many of them too. It made us really think about how much things have changed in a couple of hundred years when you can have kids in our countries now and be pretty sure they'll make it.

Great view of the Provincetown Monument (with headstones) Look at that blue sky with fluffy bits. Dontcha love it!!!

[by the way, as I type this, the wind is fairly howling outside the apartment and I am snuggled up in a blanky, with the laptop on my lap keeping me extra warm. So the weather may have turned, maybe.]

Here's me hanging around on the sign at the beginning of the bike trail we walked along today. She walked from home to the Beech Forest (via Chach and eggs benedict). This is the beginning of the Beech Forest trail.

Hi ho, hi ho, a walking we will go... no wait. That's what dwarves sing, isn't it. Not gnomes. I was never properly socialised, you see. I was brung up by humans, and spent my adolescence in a tomato patch, so whaddya expect. Don't judge me. I can't help being stiff and ceramic.

Oh, oh, oh, I nearly forgot. Then we found these cool mushrooms. They grow right out of the sand.

I tried to see how the hydraulics work. As you can see here, I was taking it very seriously, getting right down on the ground and investigating the underside of the funghi in question... to no avail.

Whatever mechanism they employ here, it's clearly quite intricate and cleverly disguised.

Here's what red leaves look like.

Here's what Miriam looks like when I move the camera away before the shutter has finished clicking.

Here are Miriam's eyes. Noice crows feet, girl.

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