She's like that sometimes. A total hedonist, interested only in having fun. But you already know that, right!
So she gets in her car with the Nebraska plates and heads off down Route 6, off the Cape then down various interstates and to New York. As she approached, the weather that had started off cloudy became rainy. Then the rain turned to ice and visibility was down to approximately 5.08 cm (i.e. two inches!). Ahhh, the universals of human existence. Universal truth number 674 - all human beings in charge of vehicles turn into complete morons in the wet. Except Miriam, of course whose driving skills were developed and honed along the ruts of keyline ploughed paddocks in the wilds of East Gippsland.
But seriously folks, it took about seven hours to get to JFK airport, which is ridiculous. And she swears she also left her new(ish) sunglasses in the bloody car - something she discovered when the sun came out the next day. Bugger!
The car rental company had a pet limo driver who turned up to take Miriam into the city and to her hotel. Meanwhile, I was... wait for it... can you guess... I was... IN THE SOCK! But she took me out to take this picture and as you can see, nearly blinded me with the flash. In the photo below, the attractive looking blob with the pointy green hat is me. Life with Miriam. Let me tell you. Never a dull moment. The taxi driver was cute. Ali. Pakistani. They chatted away, chat chat chat about everything from being a moslem to not being a moslem, from Australia to America and back again. They laughed. The cried... well no actually there were no tears. But a great time was had by all. Then she paid him and it was all over. Ahh New York. "New York," said Ali, "never sleeps. And that really gets to me. It drives me crazy, you know?"
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