So we went to the gym. And guess where I was, the whole time. Yes. In the sock.
Then we went into town. We ran into Myra, the next door neighbour. Myra has a shop in town. MG Leather. We sat on the steps on the sun. Myra's the one who took the photo of Miriam holding me on the steps. It was so warm in the sun... about ten degrees above freezing!!! Wow!
MG Leather sells leather pants and vests. Also chaps, and leather underpants. And some adult toys. I'd never been in a shop like that. So Miriam let me out to take a look around. Those dildos look way too big for what I though you used dildos for. I took a fairly close look, as you can see.
I'm still puzzled. It's quite a relief not to have to deal with those sorts of - ahem - issues. Being ceramic and all. But at least today I made a couple of new friends. Mackenzie is the guy holding me up. He also lives next door - he's Myra's roomate.
I met this other guy too. Plastic, I think he said he was made of. Hmm. Not my type really but I figured I should be polite and play the game with the chain and the lumpy trousers. I started to wish I could get back in the sock. Really.
Finally, we left. Miriam got peckish and decided to stop in at the Squealing Pig. It's a place she used to hang out a bit in November. They're nice there. They remembered her. They do a really good split pea soup - and it was on the menu today. So she had a cup of that. I checked it out. Smelt really good! And yes, that is a cup of coffee behind her cup of soup. I guess she's just accepted that coffee is her writing drug. She can't give it up right now...
Then home, via the hardware store where she bought a big bag of birdseed. there are two bird feeders out in the back yard, and we thought it might be nice to attract some birds. But first, we had to dig a path out to the feeders through a couple of feet of snow. I helped.
And here's me having swing on the feeder. Wheeee!!
In case you were wondering about Bif... here's what the lazy sod has been doing for the past three days. Sleeping on a ceramic horse. Sheesh!
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