Nobody here knows what it is, even the gal down in the town who sells silverplated items and seems to know her stuff. So Miriam is going to take it to Dennis for an opinion on what it is, or actually, she's taking it to Bob, the guy who owns the auction house in Dennis. And she's taking the rest of the stuff to Dennis, or as we said, to Bob, so that he can give her an approximate value for her to put on her inventory that she is preparing for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in her official capacity as executrix. She has her fingers crossed that he makes her an offer, or at least lets her sell it on consignment at the next auction. She doesn't want to bring the stuff home again!
And there's snow. So she's got to sweep her porch and the path. Then walk carefully over to the car (it's in the photo below, aaaaaaaall the way over a car park that looks suddenly very big!!) And then start the car, brush teh snow off. When the car is warm, she will reverse it back over this way and put the silverplate in the trunk and drive off for her exciting adventure! She may need another cup of coffee before leaving.
The main roads will have been salted (not really enough snow to plough, or 'plow' as they say here!) It's pretty. I do admit that. She loves it though. In fact, if you could see her now, she's grinning like an idiot. She can stand for hours in it feeling the little sharp snow crystals hitting her face. I found me a couple of two inch nails in the basement last night. I'm going to knit me a scarf. Humph! I miss the Higgs Boson terribly.
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