Updates by Noam (the small garden gnome) reporting on Miriam's activities. If he has access to the web, he'll probably be dobbing. Updating can be a struggle because she uses the computer a bit, and he can't always get to it, but he does his best.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Race Point Beach...
Monday, November 27, 2006
The miracle of mobile phones
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Naughty Gumby
Here's the cheese and shrimp we started off with. Not surprising we felt full after all this plus a big dinner!
About the pie:Miriam joined the gym here again, for the days between walkies when she wants to chuck some weights around, or whatever it is she does there. I don't care much what she does to be honest - at least she always comes back from the gym in a better mood. She had the nerve to suggest it might be a good idea for me to try it once. But I just gave her the look and she never tried that sort ridiculous suggestion again. Try buying tracksuit pants for a gnome whose legs are ceramicked together. Humph ANYWAY. She tells me she was puffing and panting away on the cross trainer and watching the subtitles on a Martha Steward cooking show (yes THE Martha Steward) and there was a thing about some 'Fall Pie Bake off' Or was it the 'Bake Pie Fall Off' haha. A winning pie from the town they held the competition in was a Chocolate Pecan Pie, and they had the guy whose invented the recipe (his name was Tom Ribando) in to cook it on the show. Well, it was making Miriam's mouth water, so she got onto the website, wrote the recipe down and made the pie.
Jim and Russell also get pies every year, buying them from a charity organisation who in turn get Boston restaurants to make them. This year they had a pie from a famous Boston restaurant - Ming. Here's what Miriam's pie and the Ming pie look like, side by side. Yum. (Miriam's is the one on the right)
If you'd like me to send you the recipe or a link to it on Martha Stewart's website, just leave a comment!
Momentous moment for Pilgrim Monument
The Pilgrim Monument, erected at the beginning of the 20th century is going to be celebrating its centenery in May next year, but for now, it's business as usual. Before the lighting, most of us wandered around and looked at what the museum has to offer.
And it's been a while since we saw a picture of Zoe on the blog, so take a look at this! Zoe being musical and multi-instrumental in front of the Mayflower display.
Before being lit, the monument looks alot like this (i.e. hard to see on a dark night!)
And then, at 6 pm, the switch is flicked and yaaay! the lights come on. And there's the monument, as it will be all Winter, lit up and
watching over the town during the night. Oh, and here's a tricky shot from underneath.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
More grumpy pictures and Fort Hill
Then there's this shot of me on Jim's glass of coke.
On the way home we stopped by a place called Fort Hill. It has an amazing view, which your friendly Australian nutcase will show you in the picture below, and no doubt the place has some historical significance. No doubt there was a Fort. And I'm guessing the hill part was related to the slight lumpiness in the landscape... Whatever. She
And then Miriam decided to point to something. We'll never know what it was. Possibly an ambulatory sugar cube. Possibly a storm coming in. Possibly nothing at all. You know what she's like.
Hanging about in the Library
One afternoon, she sat there taking shots from time to time, every time she thought of it. Here's one a little bit closer up. The days are shortish here right now (sunset just after 4 pm) and she generally comes to the library in the afternoon so the light gets progressively softer and pinker during the course of the afternoon. There's something achingly beautiful
Look at that glow. Dontcha just want to ice it and have with a cup of tea? Where did that come from? [checks watch] ah... Miriam must be sending me afternoon tea vibes. It's 3:30 in the afternoon.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Grumpy update
Gotta go - they're flicking the lights and kicking us out. I promise to post more soon!
Friday, November 17, 2006
walking in the woods
She hasn't walked to Herring Cove before, so this seemed like the day to do it. It was about a mile to get to this sign (1.6 km for those who prefer the metric) and then another 2 plus ish miles (3.2 plus ish km) to get back to town at the other end. So she figured that it would tire her out sufficiently to send her to sleep at a decent hour. 6.9 + 1.6 + 3.2 = 11.7 or 12 km if you round it up to include the plus-ish figures. Yep. That should do it.
Here's what we saw:
Squirrel and a bend in the track
Some yellow leaves and a lichen lawn
And then the ocean and on the way home, a beautiful sky...
comments, anyone?
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Gettin' reaquainted...
Catching up with Zoe and Sharon was fabbo. Here they are at the Squealing Pig. Beer was drunk by all and stories were told and then we got on various bicycles (with plastic bags strapped to their seats because we did not want wet bottoms) and wobbled up the street to the Mews where the regular off-season open mic coffee house thingy was on.
Some great acts tonight. Zoe got up and played during the course of the evening. She'd brought her ukelele and sang a little ditty. Then there was the guy who played Hungarian Rhapsody #12 by Franz Lizst. Very serious music for sure. A guy who recreates JFK's speeches (dresses ina suit, does his voice and everything!) which was weird but cool. A guy who had never performed before AT ALL and made a good fist of it (except that his song was one about how life never turns out as one had hoped when one was young... and I kept waiting for the verse that said 'that's OK, though because I grew up and learned to be happy with whatever life did dish out to me.' Or something vaguely positive. But that never happened.) Then some folksy stuff from Janet Feld. She was the feature artist of the night, currently based in Boston. Great songs. Like little poems.
Later on in the night a couple of unrelated but similarly curly haired young men played some interesting blues on their guitars and sang. And that was it. Hugs all round and then Miriam and I walked home (she walked, and I bounced along in the pocket as per usual) and she dreamed that night of renovations on a beautiful house. It really was the most beautiful house. She only got four hours' restless sleep, still out of synch with Ptown's timezone - but it seems like all those hours filled up with beautiful images of just the sort of house she would like to live in. All she really remembers of it now is a sense of light and space and orderliness that felt perfect.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The galah has landed
OK, one of the first things we did (obviously) was go and see Jim. And we combined that with a visit to the Provincetown Art Association and Museum (PAAM or the Art Ass to those in the know, although the director does not appreciate the second option). There was an opening of an exhibition of recent aquisitions. Here's Jim and Mim standing in front of one of them. It's a (big) Littlefield. Remember the essay she wrote on the I Ching for the Littlefield cattle dog last year? It all comes together, you see, in the end.
Later Jim and Miriam went to dinner at the Mews and caught up on gossip, then it was over to Jim's house to see Russell, who had come up for the weekend. Miriam got a tour of the garden and here are some of the pics.
Russell flicked a switch among the shrubbery and like magic, a fountain lit up - it had been sitting stagnant for a while, so was a bit whiffy when Russell started it up, but it looked lovely. Check it out!
And here's a pic of a piddling statue:
And here's a bay window, looking spooky from the outside...
Monday, November 13, 2006
not funny or interesting
Sunday, November 12, 2006
In Provincetown again
The trip here was long, as you'd expect. 14 ish hours to Los Angeles then an hour and a half in line to get the passport stamped. I am not kidding. Shockin' Then a sprint to the domestic gates at the terminal, and a 5 hour flight to New York. Leonie had booked us into a nice hotel in New York... Mmmm... Here it is...
New York was... interesting. She left me in the hotel room at about 8:00 pm and came back at Midnight a little the worse for wear, and was very very ill from about 5 am until she had to get the train at Penn Station (3 ish blocks away) at 1:00 pm the next day. Maybe a recurrence of that tummy bug she had? Maybe something else? She has her theories. Some of you will have heard them. 'nuff said.
Anyway, the train trip was nice. She spent most of the four hours with her head on her back pack, trying not to throw up. Good company, I don't need to tell you. Here's a view out the train window.
Monday, February 20, 2006
A post from Kew!
She should probly write to them herself, shouldn't she. But this is for them if they log in to take a peek. Hellllooooo from Miriam!
We've been back for six weeks or so, now. It's been busy. She's now working three days a week as a technical writer, about to sign up for two more semesters of study at the University of Melbourne (Masters in Applied Linguistics) and writing away, busy busy busy. Despite a couple of minor hiccups and few dental appointments that would not have been entirely necessary if she hadn't waited FIVE YEARS between appointments, she's genuinely happy. I haven't seen her like this for ages. What is it? She's exercising regularly, eating right, taking time out to cultivate and nurture friendships and relationships with family... could that be all there is to it? Could it be that easy to create happiness? Interesting question.
And of course none of that helps me. I'm ceramic, mostly grumpy and have a very short and uninteresting spectrum of emotions. About the happiest I get is when she keeps me out of the sock. Hmf. I hang out in the herb garden and beat the snails off with a stick. I like my life. Really. NO, really. I do.