So now you know why Miriam doesn't write headlines for a living - that's one of her better examples. She wanted to participate in the blog so I gave her a headline to write and that's what she did. She can wave goodbye to any future involvement, that's for sure! Thanksgiving eve and it's time for the annual lighting of the Pilgrim Monument. In November, a long long time ago, the Mayflower landed here in what is now Provincetown and the pilgrims hung about for a few days, assessing the place for liveability before moving on eventually to the now more famous landing place of Plymouth. They clearly didn't think much of it as a place to spend time in! How wrong they were, looking around at the town now :-)
The Pilgrim Monument, erected at the beginning of the 20th century is going to be celebrating its centenery in May next year, but for now, it's business as usual. Before the lighting, most of us wandered around and looked at what the museum has to offer.

Miriam likes the monument museum. It's got cool little dioramas and stuff. Tiny people doing things that tiny people have been doing for centuries (I suppose!)
And it's been a while since we saw a picture of Zoe on the blog, so take a look at this! Zoe being musical and multi-instrumental in front of the Mayflower display.
Before being lit, the monument looks alot like this (i.e. hard to see on a dark night!)

And then, at 6 pm, the switch is flicked and yaaay! the lights come on. And there's the monument, as it will be all Winter, lit up and
watching over the town during the night.
Oh, and here's a tricky shot from underneath.
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