Monday, November 13, 2006

not funny or interesting

Blogs are supposed to be interesting, right. Funny, maybe? Well the problem is that I've been a bit jet-lagged and uninspired. But after a couple of days in the flowerpot, I'm starting to feel like things are coming together again. Hopefully I'll start finding somethign interesting to say -- soon. OK, now where were we in the narrative? Ah yes. The train from New York to Boston. It's a good trip, actually. Easy peasy. $78 one way and there's a dining car and a dunny. She booked us into a hotel in Boston that she's stayed in before. It's one of those fancy pants ones with broadband and room service. But she spent most of her time there feeling like crap. So I just hung around in the sock because she basically neglected me. One little walk on Friday morning before catching the bus to Provincetown. There's a bar just up the road from the hotel that she hasn't quite made it to, but would like to sometime. It's called Bukowski. There's a sign on the side window 'Dead Authors' Club'. Trouble was, just the thought of alcohol and she had stomach spasms. Or food. Or water. She just wanted to quietly and slowly dehydrate as long as nothing else had to ever pass her lips. i.e. she didn't go into Bukowski's for a drink :-)
Oh, and she went shopping for jeans and found out her butt has shrunk another dress size. Yip de doo dah day!
On Friday afternoon, she caught the bus to Provincetown. She had a seat to herself until about a minute into the trip when a gentleman she had seen in the waiting area decided to move down the bus and sit next to her. He scratched an instant lottery ticket and she had herself all geared up to tell him it was a bus rule that you have to split instant lottery winnings with anybody sitting next to you when you scratch the card. But she buttoned her lip when she saw that he hadn't won anything. He seemd upset, sighing and squirming. But the sighing and the squirming continued long after the pices of the instant lottery ticket had gone into his back pocket. He was clearly uncomfortable. He took a call on his mobile phone from a prospective employer and Miriam loaned him a pen. This apparently also constituted permission to embark on some intimate sharing time and he revealed that his hemorrhoids were really bothering him. Wow, it's been a really interesting trip so far. First the self-confessed premature ejaculator in the bar in New York and now the jobless dude with roids. Ye gods.

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