Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gettin' reaquainted...

Jane took her home from the bus stop; Jim took her to the exhibition and then they went to dinner. And in the following days she met up again with Ginny, Midge, Suzanne, and of course the inimitable Zoe Lewis. Zoe's now with Sharon, the Miss Pacman fiend mentioned in posts from last year. Sharon's on the left, Zoe on the right. Here's Zoe's website:

Catching up with Zoe and Sharon was fabbo. Here they are at the Squealing Pig. Beer was drunk by all and stories were told and then we got on various bicycles (with plastic bags strapped to their seats because we did not want wet bottoms) and wobbled up the street to the Mews where the regular off-season open mic coffee house thingy was on.

Some great acts tonight. Zoe got up and played during the course of the evening. She'd brought her ukelele and sang a little ditty. Then there was the guy who played Hungarian Rhapsody #12 by Franz Lizst. Very serious music for sure. A guy who recreates JFK's speeches (dresses ina suit, does his voice and everything!) which was weird but cool. A guy who had never performed before AT ALL and made a good fist of it (except that his song was one about how life never turns out as one had hoped when one was young... and I kept waiting for the verse that said 'that's OK, though because I grew up and learned to be happy with whatever life did dish out to me.' Or something vaguely positive. But that never happened.) Then some folksy stuff from Janet Feld. She was the feature artist of the night, currently based in Boston. Great songs. Like little poems.

Later on in the night a couple of unrelated but similarly curly haired young men played some interesting blues on their guitars and sang. And that was it. Hugs all round and then Miriam and I walked home (she walked, and I bounced along in the pocket as per usual) and she dreamed that night of renovations on a beautiful house. It really was the most beautiful house. She only got four hours' restless sleep, still out of synch with Ptown's timezone - but it seems like all those hours filled up with beautiful images of just the sort of house she would like to live in. All she really remembers of it now is a sense of light and space and orderliness that felt perfect.

I may start getting soppy in these posts, although I will try not to. I've been thinking about matters of the heart. Jim has some new boarders at his house. Three of them actually but one in particular seems very nice. I've never met anyone who quite makes me feel this way. I made Miriam take his picture. What do you think? Doesn't he look nice? I can't wait to see him again.

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