Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Grumpy update

I've been a bit slack getting to the blogs, I know. But she keeps taking me out for walkies, or sitting around reading, and forgetting that sometimes I need to be able to get to the laptop, while connected, and tell everybody what's going on her life. Sheesh.

Here's a quick one before they kick us out of the library. We went to Dennis. Yes the same Dennis where we visited Jim with Silverware two years ago or so. This time we visited Dennis with a different Jim, and our aim was to go to Eldred's Auctions, which is also where the other Jim was (the one who didn't want our silverware because it was all plated). Confused yet? I was, so she took me for a sugar hit to a place called Grumpy's that Jim (our favourite Jim, not the grumpy one who doesn't like epns) had recommended. She had Apple and walnut french toast. SUGAR. WITH FRIED BREAD. AND SUGAR ON TOP. WITH MAPLE SYRUP ON THE SIDE. I had some, and as you can see it put me in an all-caps state of mind. Here she is looking absurdly photogenic (thanks non-grumpy Jim!!) and also looking suspiciously like she is going to sweep me and the rest of that french toast into her capacious receptacle of a handbag. I stopped her just in time. But she was jittery all the way home, making up odes to sugar.

Gotta go - they're flicking the lights and kicking us out. I promise to post more soon!

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