Sunday, November 26, 2006


Otherwise known as Turkey day! Miriam was invited to Jim's place where he and Rusty had prepared a feast. Free range turkey this year, since we enjoyed last year's free range bird so much. What a wonderful spread.
Here's the cheese and shrimp we started off with. Not surprising we felt full after all this plus a big dinner!
Neither Jim nor I could resist taking pictures of the food laid out in the kitchen.

And then we had to photograph the food on the plates. Eventually they got around to eating the damn stuff, washed down with some martinis in premature (albeit delightful) candy cane holiday glassware from the Christmas Tree shop!

About the pie:Miriam joined the gym here again, for the days between walkies when she wants to chuck some weights around, or whatever it is she does there. I don't care much what she does to be honest - at least she always comes back from the gym in a better mood. She had the nerve to suggest it might be a good idea for me to try it once. But I just gave her the look and she never tried that sort ridiculous suggestion again. Try buying tracksuit pants for a gnome whose legs are ceramicked together. Humph ANYWAY. She tells me she was puffing and panting away on the cross trainer and watching the subtitles on a Martha Steward cooking show (yes THE Martha Steward) and there was a thing about some 'Fall Pie Bake off' Or was it the 'Bake Pie Fall Off' haha. A winning pie from the town they held the competition in was a Chocolate Pecan Pie, and they had the guy whose invented the recipe (his name was Tom Ribando) in to cook it on the show. Well, it was making Miriam's mouth water, so she got onto the website, wrote the recipe down and made the pie.
Jim and Russell also get pies every year, buying them from a charity organisation who in turn get Boston restaurants to make them. This year they had a pie from a famous Boston restaurant - Ming. Here's what Miriam's pie and the Ming pie look like, side by side. Yum. (Miriam's is the one on the right)
If you'd like me to send you the recipe or a link to it on Martha Stewart's website, just leave a comment!

1 comment:

es-liew said...

I miss pecan pie now.